I see fountains of blood Devastation birthed of greed Billowing sails beget a cycle of genocide The soil is cursed, the souls suffer plague A grim reminder of an earlier age At what price do we aquire? Rotten! Our souls are rotten at the core We provoke ugliness to emerge from beauty Everything that we touch becomes filthy Soiled! I see bodies swinging in the wind Faces bloated and bruised Burning crosses brand terror into The heart of a race, the soul of a nation A grim attempt at annihilation So in slavery did we aquire. I see barbed wire encircling The forms of a disenfranchised population Who based on their country of origin Are held captive as traitors Are taught humiliation So in internment did we trust none. I see the impoverished native on the concentration camp we call a reservation I see the innocent Arab removed from his family on false accusations I see the see the man on death row, framed for speaking out I see the see the welfare mother plucked from her children to slave for minimum wage I see the perpetuation of evil and nothing has changed. © 2004 eveghost